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All forms of development are closely related to human resources, humans have an important role in the process and targets of development itself. Therefore, quality human resources are needed so that development goals can be achieved optimally. One strategy to improve the quality of human resources can be done through community empowerment. This research aims to look at the process and results of community empowerment through pastry and bakery training carried out at LPP Ariyanti. The method used in this research is a qualitative method with a case study type of research. Data collection techniques include observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis techniques in this research are data collection, data reduction, data display, and data verification or conclusions. The results of this research are the empowerment process in categories successful because it fulfills the components of raw input, means input, input environment, process, output, and influence. With the results obtained by participants in the form of cognitive, affective, psychomotor improvements, as well as changes in attitudes and increased income.


community empowerment pastry and bakery enterpreneurship LPP

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